In today's digital age, social media platforms have become an integral part of our lives. They help us connect with friends, share our experiences, and stay informed about the world. Even for businesses like Merryweathers, social media is an important factor for marketing and sharing available properties with followers.

However, the same platforms that offer so many benefits can also expose us to various scams. From phishing attempts to fraudulent offers, social media scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated. We have recently seen some photos of rental properties we manage being used to create fake rental listings on Facebook Marketplace, and these kind of scams are becoming very common across Facebook. To protect yourself from falling victim for a property scams, here are some essential tips to follow:

Verify the Source:

Before engaging with any offer or message, verify the authenticity of the source. Look for verified accounts and official profiles. Scammers often create fake profiles that mimic legitimate businesses or individuals. This is especially common during giveaways. The scammers will reply to your comment on a giveaway post claiming that you have won and to click a link to claim your prize. Do not click any links or input any payment information. Always double-check the profile's information, such as follower count, post history, and user reviews.

Be Skeptical of Unsolicited Messages:

Scammers often use direct messages or comments to initiate contact. Be cautious of unsolicited messages from unknown individuals, especially those promising great deals, wins, or financial opportunities. The messages are usually grammatically incorrect, using swords such as ‘kindly respond’ or even slyly using numbers and characters within words, for example Merrγweathers (see the Greek γ? ) Don't click on any links or download files from such messages, and report the message and profiles as spam.

Check URL Safety:

When clicking on links, ensure they lead to legitimate websites. Be cautious if the website's URL looks unusual, misspelled, or if it doesn't start with "https://" (indicating a secure connection). Legitimate companies and websites invest in secure connections to protect your data. You can use google to search for the companies websites, rather than clicking through links.

Protect Personal Information:

Never share sensitive information such as your national insurance number, payment details, or personal identification over social media. Legitimate entities will never ask for such information through these platforms.

Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

Enable 2FA on your social media accounts to add an extra layer of security. This ensures that even if someone gains access to your login credentials, they won't be able to log in without the secondary authentication method.

Use Privacy Settings:

Adjust your privacy settings to control who can see your posts, who can send you messages, and who can tag you in content. Limiting access to your personal information can deter scammers.

Reverse Image Search

Google offers a reverse image search, where you can search google using an image instead of words. If you are interested in a property but are not sure if its genuine – try a reverse image search. If the property is registered with an agent and a scammer stole the photo, it will show up and you can contact the agent directly.

Never send payments:

A common rental scam will ask you to send a payment to secure the tenancy before you’ve seen the property. Never send any payments to someone you have only messaged through social media.

Remember, while these platforms offer numerous advantages, they also expose us to potential risks. By following these tips and maintaining a cautious approach, you can significantly reduce the chances of falling prey to social media scams and protect your online presence.